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Thema: [EE] 40% Fahrgastzuwachs in Estland (2816-mal gelesen) Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

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[EE] 40% Fahrgastzuwachs in Estland
Im Februar 2014 verzeichnete die Eisenbahn in Estland einen Fahrgastzuwachs von 40% ggü. dem Vorjahr, zurückzuführen wohl auf die mit Anfang Jänner erfolgte Umstellung des Gesamtverkehrs auf neues Rollmaterial (Stadler-Flirt als ET für den Vorortverkehr um Tallinn und als VT für den Überlandverkehr) und damit einhergegangenen Fahrzeitverkürzungen und Angebotsverdichtungen.

Quelle: http://tarbija24.postimees.ee/2731784/rongisoitjate-arv-kasvas-tanu-elektrirongidele

Google-Übersetzung ins Englische:

Train passenger numbers grew , thanks to the electric

Published : 18 March at 22:14

The number of train passengers in February this year increased by 40 percent compared to last year . Lines by looking at the number of passengers it is striking that the electric train passenger growth was much higher compared to diesel trains .

Elroni trains traveled in February more than 390 000 people , which is 40 percent more than the same period last year , said the train company . Elroni ticket revenue in February was 640,000 euros , which is 45 percent more than last year at this time .

Elroni CEO of Ossipi Andrus said came as a surprise to those of Tartu Koidula - line multiplication of the number of users .

" There are so few passengers that some people will raise the percentage change in driving habits , " explained marketing manager Norbert Elroni curved. He added that it was the line , which was a continuation of a question mark .

"But now we are hopeful Põlvamaa part , because it is good for walking to work in Tartu train. If users are to be accessed , you may have to put two wagon instead of attending a four- wagon , "said curved.

According Ossipi was more modest than expected , however, growth in the number of rail passengers on the Tallinn- Narva line. " In fact, there are such people who could fly, but they have since been weaned on the train . I believe that we will be able to put them back to use the train , "he believes .

In addition to the well-known top- eight hours of the clock or the clock in Tallinn or in Tartu, and five out of there , passenger statistics shows that a new peak at the two day period of time has changed . That said , both Kaareste electric trains as well as the route of Tartu and Viljandi .

Website des den nationalen Verkehr durchführenden EVU: http://elron.ee/
Der internationale Verkehr (= 2 Züge Tallinn - SPB, 1 Zug Tallinn - Moskva) wird von "GoRail" durchgeführt: http://www.gorail.ee/  


  • kroko
Re: [EE] 40% Fahrgastzuwachs in Estland
Antwort #1
Super! Da sieht man wie man durch Angebotsattraktivierung die Fahrgastzahlen heben kann. In der Richtung ist in Osteuropa noch viel Luft nach oben.